Feb 27, 2023
(Parent/Student Dynamic Series: Chapter 4) Helipats … who knew there was a shorthand name for helicopter parents, but there is!! Helicoptering from parents can come a many forms. Join us as we discuss what is means to be a helipad, possible consequences from the student’s perspective, and how both the parents and...
Feb 20, 2023
(Parent/Student Dynamic Series: Chapter 3) Parents naturally want what is best for their children in terms of careers. However, sometimes what the parents think is best doesn’t always lineup with what the student feels is best. In this episode, we explore the varying mindsets that parents and students may have when it...
Feb 13, 2023
(Parent/Student Dynamic Series: Chapter 2) During your college years, both parents and students create expectations of where they should be, and many times they may not be the same between the two parties. In the second extension dealing with the expectations of students and parents, we discuss the mindset that parents...
Feb 6, 2023
(Parent/Student Dynamic Series: Chapter 1) The dynamic between the college student and parents, especially for incoming freshmen, can be tricky waters to navigate. For the first episode of this new series, we discuss some mindsets from the parent’s and the student’s perspective that could help in the understanding...